Rabu, 21 Maret 2012

These porn ads are so fatuous

These ads for MTS's Amour TV "adult" channel remind me of that great scene in The Big Lebowski.

[Maude shows the porn video starring Bunny to the Dude]
Sherry in 'Logjammin': [on video] "You must be here to fix the cable."
Maude Lebowski: Lord. "You can imagine where it goes from here."
The Dude: "He fixes the cable?"
Maude Lebowski: "Don't be fatuous, Jeffrey"

But in these ads, the creative team at Dare Vancouver isn't being fatuous at all:

Amour 'Dirty Pool' from thisisdare on Vimeo.

Amour 'Officer Biggs' from thisisdare on Vimeo.

Amour 'Special Delivery' from thisisdare on Vimeo.

Personally, I think it would have been even better as a campaign for censorware.

Tip Via Ads of The World
Embeds via Joey Tomatoes 

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